Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Strange feeling...

Today I experienced sth that I didn’t expect. Namely I got to know that Aron intern from Sweden in Headway Business Services (HBS) is leaving Manila on 15th of August, which means that I will not meet him. Believe me or not it was quite sad information :( This is the person thanks to which I applied and got this internship, he support me a lot and always was available and open to answer thousand of my questions. It is funny because or conversations were only trough skype chat or mail but I already knew that this person will be good friend. But hope to met with him somewhere, sometime :) and for sure I will be in constant contact before and during internship. Today I realized how much I’m already connected with this country, interns and company, haha scared to think what will be at the end of my internship :P

Today conversation with Aron was very meaningful and I got next inputs what I can prepare before coming there so now I have a lot to do :) so finally my day will looks like working day :D

But there are also good news – I got my passport :) so next things from the List TO DO can be crossed.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Culture Shock before ...?!? :)

Just need to share with you about one cool thing that happen to me today :) So one of the Headway intern - Christin send me today book about culture of the Philippines. I’ve just started to read it and it is amazing how many new fact I have learned already :)

Like – if you received gift you shouldn’t open it in public just put it near and do it when you are alone. Why? Because if you will open in front of other or the person who gave you they can see it and compare to others gifts :)

“It is polite to be Late” – haha it will be one of the hardest thing to learn :P

During date boy is expected to pay, even if the outgoing was at the girl's invitation - like it :) Moreover! Some girl will bring chaperone on a date - haha for sure I will not practice this :)

Filipinos love to matchmake :) they are trying to match their friend and relatives, don't be surprised if you hear: I've got date for you' - hmmm we will see..

Or the fact that the relish of Filipino is boiled duck’s egg with half-incubated chick inside – uhhh ( it think I will not try it :P )

At the end there is even Cultural Quiz to check if you read book carefully :P

So I have to admit that I will learn a lot and when I reach Philippines I will see what was true and what not...

Ok I’m back to reading :)

Thursday, 17 July 2008

Preparation to the internship - in progress

I have to admit that preparation to the internship can be very excited! Those who knows me, know that I have to check and prepare everything before leaving, and it is true :)

Almost everyday I’m reading about The Philippines, scanning some pictures and image myself in this country, enjoying extraordinary nature :). I also talked and asked many questions to the ppl who are, were or lived there. So for now I know quite lot – comparing to the time I was applying for this internship.

Every time I’m talking about the internship big smile is on my face :D it is so cool when friends are asking where I’m going, for how long and what I will do there. Haha most of them are jealous (and they should :P)

I’ve also started preparation to my job. I’m in contact with my boss – Noli. She is sending me some materials as a part of induction. I already read 80 pages of “Labor Code of the Philippines” – hmmm interesting reading :)

Moreover I’ve started thinking about my goals for the professional and personal development that I want to achieve during this year.

But to be honest still it is more than 1 month to be there and sometime it is so loooooong :( but hoping that the time will go quickly.

My last days :) I’m trying to spend with some friends and family, visiting some places and discovering 3city from the beginning :) Those who already are on the internship probably understand what I’m feeling now .

I also talked today with Johny who is in Malaysia about possibility to visiting him around November so next thing to be excited :D

To the people who are still in Poland – GO for the internship :P haha

Greetings to all!

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Something about my internship…

I’m leaving on 19th of August and after 17 hours in the plane, of course with changing 3 times plane, I should reach Manila (10.34 p.m. on 20th of August ) {please keep your fingers crossed for my flight or give me good suggestions what I can do during the journey :P}

Duration of the internship is at least one year maybe more who knows ? :) ?

The company that I will be working in is Headway Holdings Inc. – gathering 3 companies (Headway Business Services Inc., Headway Dynamics Inc., Headway Process Logics Inc. The Headway Holdings is a German-Philippine privet equality holding company whose portfolio includes enterprises operating within the market space of technology, knowledge products and business services. If you are interested to read more go to

In the company I will have position of Human Resources Officer who assists the Managing Partner in planning, directing, and coordinating human resource management activities of an organization to maximize the strategic use of human resources and maintain functions such as employee compensation, recruitment, personnel policies, and regulatory compliance.

So as you can see it is something that from the last year become my passion and hope to gain valuable experience which will benefit in the future :)

I also got some photos of my office :)

I can tell you even more cool things about this internship :) Currently in the Philippines in Headway there is 4 interns (Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic :) and Brazil) and more will come from (Slovakia - Eva MCP 06/07, friend of mine :), Romania and Netherlands – Bryan MCVP OGX 07/08, friend of mine :) ) – one word can describe this situation VERY international :)

great JD, great country, great people - 3 reasons to be so excited as I am now!!!

This is my appartment with some view on Makati City (part of Manila, my please of work and leaving)

..and of course my work collegue :)

(Aron, Kat, Christin & Stef)

Soon more about the internship, company, friends and my preparaton :)

Monday, 14 July 2008

my first time…

Yes! Also I decided to write a blog :) and this is my first post (jupi!) I would like to share with you all my experiences, emotions, adventures and almost everything what will happen during next year! Moreover I’m sure that a lot will happen! Why…? In 36 days I’m leaving Poland and flying to The Philippines :) where I will start my one year internship in the Headway Company as a HR Officer. I still can’t believe that I’m going there but at the same time I'm extremely excited. Hope to use this space and keep you up dated about the preparation and future…

Enjoy reading!